Thursday, April 12, 2012


This is my daughter, Devyn.  She's 10 years old and loves everything!  She's like a sponge, always learning and loving life.  She plays piano, loves to sing in the car on the way to school and in the shower, plays basketball and soccer, loves to dance, loves to paint, sew, cook, read and she loves animals....she want's to be a vet someday.  She has the most beautiful skin and hair, but I'm always having to remind her to put lotion and Chapstick on because it gets so dry (notice the chapped lips in the photo!).  Her hair always smells like syrup, and she loves noodles & pesto, waffles, strawberries, Pop Tarts, okra, soft pretzels and calzones.  She likes to go swimming and ride horses.  She loves to be wrapped in a warm towel, just out of the dryer.  She only drinks water if it is cold.  Her favorite color is blue.  She would wear yoga pants everyday to school if I let her.  She strives to be good at everything she does, but is humble when she isn't.  She is kind and patient, a thinker, and tender-hearted.  She's left-handed.  She still believes in Santa, the Tooth-Fairy, and the Easter Bunny, which I LOVE!  She doesn't always say the right words when she should, but it's really cute when she has no clue what she's talking about.  She is responsible and silly, mature and childish, beautiful and cute, and most of all....she is my only child and I love her dearly!  I had her at a young age, and I am so grateful I did!  As most mother's can relate, children tend to teach us more than we teach them.  This is the case with Devyn.  She has a way of being that I wish I could be.  She thinks, sometime too hard, but always trys to make the right choice, even if it's hard for her.  She has courage and strength beyond her years, and I find myself looking up to her!  She motivates my creativity and drive to do almost everything and I just wanted to share this with you.  Kids are awesome!

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